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영어 못하는 친구 놀리기 좋음 || 극적인 노래 / tobuscus

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보컬이 많이 아쉽긴 하지만

가사 모르고 들으면 나쁘진 않은 노래입니다

근데 가사 알고 나면 좋은^^노래입니다


듣기평가 많이 틀리는 친구한테 가사 안보여주고 들려주면 재밌을거같습니다

다만 해당 유튜버는 논란 때문에 나락을 간 상태...



This song sounds dramatic
이 노래는 극적인거 같아

but I'm bad at writing words.
근데 난 가사를 잘 못 써


If you don't speak English,
너가 영어를 모른다면


this probably sounds pretty good.
이 노래가 꽤나 괜찮게 들리겠지


You'd probably think I'm singing
넌 내가 지금 심각한 거에 대한


bout some pretty serious stuff.
노래를 하고 있다고 생각하겟지만


But in reality, I'm singing 'bout
사실은 내 노래는 주제가 없다는


the lack of stuff i'm singing 'bout.
거에 대해 노래를 부르는 중이지


This part's intense.

이 부분은 좀 강렬해


And emotional.

감정적이기도 하고


As long as you don't understand it.
니가 영어를 잘 모른다는 가정 하에서 말이야


Your foreign grandma
너네 외국인 할머니는


would love this song.
이 노래를 좋아하시겠지


Please send it to her,
할머니께 보내드려


and she'll probably tell her

그럼 할머니께서 외국친구들한테


foreign friends about the song her
이 노래에 대해 말을 해 주시겠지


grandson or daughter sent her today.
손자나 딸한테도 말이야


This song might hit the charts in her country
할머니네 나라 차트에 올라갈지도 몰라


if parts sounded like Coldplay.
부분 부분 콜드플레이스럽게 한다면


If the chorus sounds like Coldplay.
후렴구가 콜드플레이 같다면


Then I put some 'La-La-La's in there.
그리고는 좀 라라라 거려야겠지


La la la la la,
라 라 라 라 라


la la la la la la la (Coldplay)
라 라 라 라 라 라 라 (콜드플레이)


Hopefully your foreign grandma
너네 외국 할머니가 이 노래를


listens to this song everyday.
매일 들었음 좋겠어


And if she asks you to
혹시라도 가사를 번역해


translate the lyrics, here's what you say:
달라고 하시면 이렇게 말씀드려


"A perfect translation does not exist.
완벽한 번역은 존재하지 않아요


Well, at least, not in your language.
최소한 할머니네 언어로는 번역 못 하죠


But if you must know, well, picture this:
그래도 꼭 아셔야겠다면 이걸 상상해 보세요


Fifty billion rainbows,
무지개가 500억개 떴는데


and the sun is setting,
해가 지고 있어요


and the moon is setting, also,
달도 지고 있구요 할머니도


and you're there in a gazebo.
거기에 있죠 정원의 정자안에 말이에요


And then God descends from heaven
그리고 하느님이 천국에서 내려오시더니


and He gives you a million dollars.
그리고는 백만 달러를 줘요


Take that feeling,
그 느낌을 가져다가


and put it into a song.
노래 안에 대입을 해봐요


I could translate word by word,
단어 하나하나 다 번역해 드릴순 있는데


but that'd take too long.
시간이 너무 오래 걸려요


And I've got stuff to do grandma.
전 할 일도 있어요, 할머니


I don't have time for this.
이럴 시간 없단 말이에요


You've gotta trust me grandma,
절 믿어주세요 할머니


this freakin' song is brilliant."
이 노래 완전 쩔어요


숙지니 숙지니님 포함 1명이 추천

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