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DayDream / 오로 크로니

Software Software
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오로 크로니의 "DayDream"입니다

데뷔하고 얼마 안지나서 빙구론희로 전락하긴 했지만

그래도 발음 하나는 좋은 스트리머입니다

듣기평가 연습 



Every day, every heart
Don’t you hear the ringing?


In this neverending dream
The moon throbbing


No matter how much I cry and scream
My hands only find nothingness
The world withers away
No one remains at the end of time


The rondo of this slowly collapsing reality
Sweetly drew me in, and I closed my eyes
I want to see you once again
On the day it falls into oblivion


The time flows cruelly
Unchanging inhumanity
We’ve reached the point of no return
Don’t know how, how we should do


It falls alike on all who are
A tranquility which seems almost cruel


Accept it, accept it
The ticking of the hands as they march to the end
Yes, I seek it, I seek it
The memory of the days when things were


The tyranny of constant change never ceases its assault
There is no way to resist the inevitable
The only salvation that will eventually come is emptiness
And even that is… destined


Everything fades away, transience is intransigent
Baring its sharp fangs
Gently gnawing, moment by moment, slowly but surely


Life and death at every tick
Humanity clings to the past and nostalgia
Will they ever escape from the chains of time?
Only the clock will tell


The rondo of this slowly collapsing reality
Sweetly drew me in, and I closed my eyes
The tyranny of constant change never ceases its assault
There is no way to resist the inevitable, and that is deja vu
On the day it falls into oblivion


Every day, every heart
Don’t you hear the ringing?


COCT COCT님 포함 2명이 추천

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